Friday, April 24, 2009

A visitor from California - Part I

Jo's Aunt Ruth came to stay for a couple of weeks at the start of April. The house is taking shape again but its been hard work cleaning the place up and decorating in time, but sometimes you need an incentive to keep going! Ruth is 67 but she has the energy of a child, she ran us ragged! She takes a lot of vitamins and herbal potions and they obviously work. Our first few days we spent in Brighton Ruth likes shops and cakes!

Next we sped of to Paris on the wonderful Eurostar from St Pancras International (fantastic station). That champers in first class slipped down nicely. Paris is a wonderful city and as Ruth hadn't been before we walked on foot mainly to all the sites and shops.

The Transition

I finally finished the kitchen (well a few bits of snagging to sort!). Being able to cook again is marvelous and the open plan space really works well.