11 months since my last blog, I really must try harder!
A lot has happened, most significantly my Mum died in July.
We have been having building work done on our house since late April, a 6 to 8 week job which is still not finished! Expect to hear many moans about this work or lack of it. Perhaps a few choice words about our builder Nigel.
After 20+ years working in the IT industry, I have finally seen sense to give up to pursue something resembling a portfolio career or at least it will be once I get rid of these builders and finish up the work on the house.
I am still studying via the OU and have enrolled on a massage and anatomy course. I still try and learn to play guitar but don't practice nearly enough.
My old laptop finally gave up on me, so I have a snazzy new red one, complete with wi-fi catcher and webcam. So expect to see images and maybe even some videos. Its a lovely day in Brighton today and I decided to take the new laptop out to check out this wi-fi milarky. I sat on the beach with a salad I'd prepared and my study books as I have an assignment to get in Friday. Did a bit of work then decided to try the laptop out, it was sunny and after a few frustrating minutes of trying to find some shade with my bag, I realised that the idea of sitting on the beach with a laptop in the sun was a silly one I was never going to see the screen. I expect my attempts made a few people laugh though, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. So I still don't know if this wi-fi thing on the move works or not. I notice lots of the local pubs have wi-fi these days but Jo has got us on another healthy regime at the moment so I don't know when I'll be giving that a go.
On the subject of pubs, thank god for the smoking ban. You can actually go out for an evening without stinking of fags when you get home. The only thing is the outsides are all smokers and in this summer sunshine you feel like retreating inside to avoid the fumes.
Anyway as I was saying ,I was sitting on Brighton beach today the sea was absolutely beautiful just laping up to the shore. I sat there realising how lovely it is to live here, water often makes me emotional and I cried a little at the beauty of the sea and how much it was making me think about people I love and just how much I miss not having my mum around anymore.